5 Ways to Reimagine Your Relationship with Clothing

5 ways to reimagine your relationship with fashion

There are many ways to enjoy fashion while respecting the planet. Some don’t even require making a purchase.

  1. Think before you buy.

    Before making a purchase, ask yourself 3 questions. Do I love this? Do I need this? Will I wear this for years to come? This simple process will save you from buyer’s remorse and the dreaded “closetful of clothes, but nothing to wear.” Buying less and better is better for the planet, your wallet and your mental health! You’ll have more time, more confidence in the way you look and less stress over what to wear.

  2. Buy Pre-Loved.

    Buying pre-loved is a win-win-win-win. 

    Unique pieces with a story.

    A fraction of the cost of new.

    Keeping resources in circulation for longer and clothes out of landfill. 

    Supporting local business.

  3. Fix what you already have.

    We all have those items sitting forlornly in the back of our closet, just wishing we’d bring them back to life. Instead of rushing out to buy something new, you could fix that zipper, sew up that tear or for that item you fell out of love with but can’t let go of, you could grab some scissors and reimagine it. Not so keen on DIY?

    Fashion Revolution has you covered with their How-To Guides.

    Or you can hire a local alterationist. It’s cheaper than buying new AND you’re supporting your community.

  4. For special occasions – and babies - rent.

    Sometimes being a commitment-phobe is a good thing. Next time you’re invited to a wedding, instead of committing to a new dress that will sit in your closet for the next two years, rent one! Same goes for clothing your little one. Why spend the money and resources on stuff that’s going to last a few months? There are excellent companies that rent capsule baby wardrobes at a monthly rate. In the UK, try Bundlee. In the US, try UpChoose.

  5. Shop your closet. Or your husband’s closet. Or your grandmother’s.

    Everyone has clothes they don’t wear that could be enjoying a second life with someone who appreciates them. Shopping someone else’s closet is so much more fun than shopping online. You get to hang out with your loved one AND it’s free!


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